05 september, 2014

Making a difference

Some of the inspiring people that I live and work with have a great love for the Holocaust survivors and poor in Israel - they went out of their way to make a difference by making quilts. 
Who do you have a heart for? 
What are you good at?

"Last week several of YWAM Los Angeles staff drove up to Gleanings for the Hungry in Fresno, CA to drop off, pray over, and ship out hand-made quilts that had been created for Holocaust survivors. YWAM Los Angeles has partnered with both Gleanings & Israel Food Outreach in this ministry. Gleanings for the Hungry produces the nutritious soup, dried fruit and handmade quilts. More quilts are added by hardworking people from churches and now also from YWAM Los Angeles. Israel Food Outreach is one of the churches that partners with Gleanings, they supply and send out large containers to the needy in Israel. We are excited to be partnering with these amazing ministries."

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